
Basic dimensions: 28 × 11/5

Dimensions of pages: 11 x 23

Base material: hard cover cellophane

Number of pages: 14 pages

Paper material: glassine 250 g

Printing type: 4 colors

Plate coating: local UV

Calendar images: the world’s scenic areas

Advertising: Laser on license plate, gilding

Price without license plate

34/500 tomans

Price with license plate

39/500 tomans

Basic dimensions: 28 × 11/5

Dimensions of pages: 11 x 23

Base material: hard cover cellophane

Number of pages: 14 pages

Paper material: glassine 250 g

Printing type: 4 colors

Plate coating: local UV

Calendar images: the world’s scenic areas

Advertising: Laser on license plate, gilding

Price without license plate

34/500 tomans

Price with license plate

39/500 tomans


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